Ravaan Techky

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Spring Internationalization Support

We can configure internationlization support in spring framework with the help of MessageResource along with Locale support.

How it works?


  • Create your message resource bundles and write your messages in all languages that you want your application to support.
  • Create a ResourceBundleMessageSource bean and register your message resource bundles.
  • Register a locale resolver.
  • Inject MessageSource bean where you want to resolve messages from message codes
  • Resolve messages

Technology Stack :

Technology Version
Core Java Adopt Open JDK 8
Spring Boot Web 2.4.2

Tools :

Tool Version
Maven Apache Maven 3.5.0

Fixed Locale Resolver:

  • LocaleResolver implementation that always returns a fixed default locale and optionally time zone. Default is the current JVM’s default locale.
  • Note: Does not support setLocale(Context), as the fixed locale and time zone cannot be changed.

Accept Header Locale Resolver:

  • LocaleResolver implementation that simply uses the primary locale specified in the “accept-language” header of the HTTP request (that is, the locale sent by the client browser, normally that of the client’s OS).
  • LocaleResolver implementation that uses a cookie sent back to the user in case of a custom setting, with a fallback to the specified default locale or the request’s accept-header locale.
  • This is useful for stateless applications without user sessions.

Session Locale Resolver:

  • LocaleResolver implementation that uses a locale attribute in the user’s session in case of a custom setting, with a fallback to the specified default locale or the request’s accept-header locale.
  • This is useful for applications which uses user sessions.

### Blog Owner Information:

Description Github Profile Link LinkedIn Profile Link Email Address
Bhushan Patil ravaan.techky@gmail.com


documentation is maintained by ravaan-techky.