Ravaan Techky

Ravaan Techky Group invites all Techkies.


Python Implementation


High Level Programming Language

  • Dynamic
  • Readability
  • Iterpreted Language
  • Multi Paradigm Language Support (It support Object Oriented and Procedure Oriented Concepts)

Language is base on philosophy:

- Beautiful is better than Ugly.
- Explicit is better than Implicit
- Simple is better than complex
- Complex is better than Complicated
- Increase Readability counts


  • Developers can learn it quickly.
  • Typically involves less code
  • Syntax is easier to read
  • Utilized by every major technology company.
  • Huge amount of additional Open-Source libraries.

What we can do with Python

  • Automated Simple Tasks
    • Searching for files & editing them
    • Scraping informattion from from website
    • Reading and editing excel files
    • Works with PDFs
    • Automated Emails and text messages
    • Fill out the forms.
  • Data Science & Machine Learning
    • Analyzing large data files [Numpy & Pandas]
    • Creating visualization [Matplotlib & Seaborn]
    • Perform machine learning task [Plotly & touchup flow]
    • Create and run predicitive algorithms [Plotly & touchup flow]
  • Create website
    • Use web framework such as Django & flask to handle backend of website & user data.
    • Creating an interactive Dashboard for users.



python-documentation is maintained by ravaan-techky.