Ravaan Techky

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Regular Expression

  • Python regular expression module available in re package.

  • Special characters used in regular expression, -

Character Description Example pattern code Example match
\d A digit file_\d\d file_24
\w Aplhanumeric (Also include underscore characters in match) \w-\w\w\w A-b_1
\s Whilespace a\sb\s\c a b c
\D A non digit \D\D\D\D aBcD
\W Non-alphanumeric \W\W\W\W\W *_+=)
\S Non-whitespace \S\S\S\S Yoyo
  • Occurences related special characters, -
Character Description Example pattern code Example match
+ Occurs one or more times Version \w-\w+ Version A-B_1
{3} Occurs three times \D{3} 123
{2,4} Occurs 2 to 4 times \d{2,4} 123
{3,} Occurs 3 or more times \w{3,} sdaw3rfwe4
* Occurs zero or more times ABC* AAACCC
? Occur Once or None plurals? plural
  • Condition based regular expression characters, -
Character Description Example pattern code Example match  
pipe sign OR condition in regular expression r’cat dog’ Statement 1: This is a dog!
Statement 2: This is a cat!
. (wild char) period sign indicate wild char for get given position r’…at’ Statement : The cat in the hat went splat
Result will be - [‘e cat’, ‘e hat’, ‘splat’]
^ (power sign) First occurence should match with pattern r’^\d’ Statement : 2 is Number.
Result will be - [2]
$ (dollar sign) Last occurence should match with pattern r’$\d’ Statement : The Number is 2
Result will be - [2]

IN keyword example:


my_var = 'bhushan' in 'bhushan is my name'



Simple Expression search function example:


import re
my_statement = "Agent Hitman has phone Number (999)-999-9999 You can call at any time on this phone number!!!"
pattern = 'NO PATTERN SET'
re.search(pattern, my_statement)

Output: No output will be available. If we try to print output it will be None type


import re
my_statement = "Agent Hitman has phone Number (999)-999-9999 You can call at any time on this phone number!!!"

#return first find object from statement.
pattern = 'phone'
re.search(pattern, my_statement)


<re.Match object; span=(17, 22), match='phone'>

Methods from Match object

Method Description
span() return start and end attribute of first match in tuple
start() return start index
end() return end index
group() return search text


import re
my_statement = "Agent Hitman has phone Number (999)-999-9999 You can call at any time on this phone number!!!"

#return first find object from statement.
pattern = 'phone'
match = re.search(pattern, my_statement)


(17, 22)

Simple Expression findall function example:


import re
my_statement = "Agent Hitman has phone Number (999)-999-9999 You can call at any time on this phone number!!!"

#return first find object from statement.
pattern = 'phone'
match_list = re.findall(pattern, my_statement)
print(f'Total search count : {len(match_list)}')
print(f'Search Text        : {match_list}')
for (index, match) in enumerate(match_list):
    print(f'Search Number {index}')
    print(f'\t\t found at: {match}')


Total search count : 2
Search Text        : ['phone', 'phone']
Search Number 0
		 found at: phone
Search Number 1
		 found at: phone

Simple Expression finditer function example:


import re
my_statement = "Agent Hitman has phone Number (999)-999-9999 You can call at any time on this phone number!!!"

#return first find object from statement.
pattern = 'phone'
for match in re.finditer(pattern, my_statement):
    print(f'{match.group()} found at: {match.start()}, {match.end()}')


phone found at: 17, 22
phone found at: 78, 83

Note: finditer function iterate over match object while findall function return only occurences

Regular Expression search function example:


import re
my_statement = "Agent Hitman has phone Number (999)-999-9999 You can call at any time on this phone number!!!"

#return first find object from statement.
pattern = r'\W\d{3}\W-\d{3}-\d{4}'
for match in re.finditer(pattern, my_statement):
    print(f'{match.group()} found at: {match.start()}, {match.end()}')


(999)-999-9999 found at: 30, 44

Regular Expression compile and search function example:

compile function from re package compile regular expression and divide it into groups. For this purpose it uses open and closing brackets.


import re
my_statement = "Agent Hitman has phone Number (999)-999-9999 You can call at any time on this phone number!!!"

#return first find object from statement.
pattern = re.compile('\W(\d{3})\W-(\d{3})-(\d{4})') #Each open and closing bracket represent group.
result = re.search(pattern, my_statement)
print(f'Group 1 {result.group(1)}')
print(f'Group 2 {result.group(2)}')
print(f'Group 3 {result.group(3)}')
print(f'Group 4 {result.group(4)}') # ==> Generate Error as there is no 4th group available


(30, 44)
Group 1 999
Group 2 999
Group 3 9999

Multiple Regular Expression with OR condition (PIPE separator) example:


import re
friend_name = 'Harshal'
statement = f'{friend_name} is my friend and He is my best friend and his contact detail is 838-009-3898'
pattern = re.compile('Abhay|Harshal|Sanjay|Abhijeet')
search_result = re.search(pattern, statement)
if search_result != None:
    print(f'Result found with start index {search_result.start()} and end index {search_result.end()}')
    print(f'Available friend is {search_result.group()}')
    print('No result found!')


Result found with start index 0 and end index 7
Available friend is Harshal

Wild char Regular Expression (period sign) example:


import re
friend_name = 'Sanket'
statement = f'{friend_name} is my friend and He is my good friend and his contact detail is 838-009-3898'
pattern = re.compile('my......friend')
search_result = re.search(pattern, statement)
if search_result != None:
    print(f'Result found with start index {search_result.start()} and end index {search_result.end()}')
    print(f'Available friend is {search_result.group()}')
    print('No result found!')


Result found with start index 30 and end index 44
Available friend is my good friend

Exclusion operation with Regular Expression example:

import re
#exclusion syntax with the help of regular expression
statement = 'there are 3 numbers 34 inside 5 this sentence'
pattern = r'[^\d]'  # Generate list of characters from above statement
pattern = r'[^\d]+' # Generate list of words which gets separated with number
re.findall(pattern, statement)


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