Zip and Unzip files
- we can able to fo zipping and unzipping for files OR folder with the help of zipfile module.
Example to zipping files:
First create file - file_one.txt in jupyter notebook
%%writefile file_one.txt Hello This is First File. End of File
Second file - file_two.txt using open function.
file_two = open('file_two.txt', 'w+') file_two.write(''' Hello This is Second File. End of File ''')
zipfile module:
Zipping above mentioned files
import zipfile zipfile_object = zipfile.ZipFile('compression_file.zip', 'w') zipfile_object.write('file_one.txt', compress_type= zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) zipfile_object.write('file_two.txt', compress_type= zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) zipfile_object.close()
Unzipping above mentioned archive file
import zipfile zipfile_object = zipfile.ZipFile('compression_file.zip', 'r') zipfile_object.extractall('extracted_contented')
shutil module:
shutil module also used to make and unpack archive. This uses folder as source while making archive while uses file while upacking archive as source
making archive from directory as source. second parameter in make_archive represent format of archive. It may - ‘zip’ or ‘tar’
import os import shutil current_dir = os.getcwd() dir_to_zip = current_dir + '//extracted_contented' zip_file_name = 'directory_zip' shutil.make_archive(zip_file_name, 'zip', dir_to_zip);
- upacking archive from file to destination directory. third parameter is format of archive. It may - ‘zip’ or ‘tar’
import os import shutil current_dir = os.getcwd() zip_file_name = 'directory_zip.zip' zip_to_dir = current_dir + '//unpack_content' shutil.unpack_archive(zip_file_name, zip_to_dir, 'zip' )
- upacking archive from file to destination directory. third parameter is format of archive. It may - ‘zip’ or ‘tar’
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